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Saturday 30 April 2011

Facebook is so bloody boring

You can look at it from so many different angles, but the end result will always be the same. Facebook is so damn boring.

In my bored - "2 AM, Can't be bothered to go to bed" - state, I decided to scroll through the good old Facebook news feed to find nothing but drivvel. Infact, now I feel like I could infact fall asleep. I recommend Facebook to insomniacs. I notice the people who spend hours and hours sitting at Facebook, updating their statuses, commenting on pictures, doing other things - but then rushing back to update their status to explain what they did just somewhere else. That in itself is boring and for the reader, it's boring almost to the point of suicide.

It's so bloody boring, that when I googled "Facebook is boring" before writing this article, the results that came up were Facebook pages called "boring." I'm not joking. People actually made Facebook pages called Boring... HOW BORING CAN YOU GET?

And if thats not enough, you could play on FarmVille, now that is one bloody boring game. Grow crops 'n crap, you may aswell go outside, pick some grass and shove it.. BoOoOoRING

Infact, I hope you found this article boring. Maybe if you did, you could return to Facebook and post even more boring stuff for the readers and socializers to be bored at

Now aint that boring ;)

Sunday 27 March 2011

Social Leap

Well, the world has taken it's leap.

Social networks have gone from holding a mild unimportance, to making me want to dig my veins out with a plastic cup and scream out in agony. It makes me want to to cry, stupefied at the ignorance of people, and the way the prioritise themselves.

But then I look, from a distance, and laugh at their misfortune!

And I do wish  people would stop posting random 3 worded semi-sentences which clearly only relate to a topic knowledgeable by one to two persons. Meaning 300 people see it, and 1 understands it. Seems like a strange thing to want to post to everyone! And by the way, I'm assuming that the two likes are the two people who know the meaning of the message conveyed.

And of course, there's the messages that no one is supposed to be able to understand. You may as well sign up for a daily cryptic crossword over at the daily telegraph.

However, all that said; facebook has proven to be useful over the years:

Thanks to facebook, and facebook's BlackBerry app, I was able to oversee someone's publicized decision over which seat they're going to sit on. 5 people enjoyed this :)

I also love the fact that it fills up my news feed with status updates. That's just so great.

It's also amazes me, how people have started using their phones, to update their statuses whilst going for a walk.

It's true! I couldn't be bothered to print screen, crop, paint over, save, upload blah blah, so I just drew an accurate diagram!

A, Maybe it's something I'll never understand, but facebook are having a field day!