All content on this site is copyright Oashan. You may not claim this content as your own.

Here's the deal

- Like what I write, subscribe and enjoy.
- Bitch and moan about what I write, meaning - probably - that you don't like what I write. In which case, don't subscribe, don't enjoy and feel free to complain in the comments to give everyone a good laugh! :)

Friday 24 September 2010

21st century PC yap!

As life moves on, people become more and more intelligent. Intellect becomes much more vast and people become aware when they are doing something stupid or immature.

To re-assure myself, I considered an argument I'd overheard somewhere on the net.
This argument consisted of five people, all repeatedly calling each other "nabs." It carried on for a good healthy five minutes, before turning into. "noooooob." "YOU ARE JUST A STUPID NOOB LOL"

Now: For all people who don't know this. The word "noob" originated from "newbie."
Newbie is a word to describe someone who is new at a game/trade/job. However this word has now evolved into a global insult for anyone to use against anyone on the internet.

Noob is normally followed by "lol." Lol's direct definition is "laugh out loud." This means that the person who says it, is directly insinuating that they feel the need to express their laughter by broadcasting it to anyone nearby. Other laughing words consist of:

ROFL - Rolling on floor laughing | I highly expect that neither the sender not the recipient is actually acting out the abbreviation's definition.

LMAO - Laugh my ass off. | This one insinuates that the sender's anus has been brutally dislodged by the sheer hilarity of the situation. Again, hardly likely.

PMSL - Pissing my-self laughing | This one is generally putting forward the scenario of the sender loosening his/her bladder, thus allowing the liquid within to flow into his/her's underwear.

ROFLMAO - Roll on floor laughing my ass off | Generally submitting the idea of the sender rolling on the floor in stiches, whilst violently having his/her anal region removed by the laughter surrounding the situation as a whole.

The 21st century is such a delight.

Friday 17 September 2010

5 Reasons to start a blog

Need some motivation in your life? Well here's 5 reasons to start a blog!

1. Boast. - People LOVE to boast on blogs. They boast about their life style, their possessions, their money, their luck etc... They post entry after entry about things they've bought, money they've made. What always makes me laugh, is that they think people care. They think their blog makes people jealous. But in fact, all it does it makes people realize how much of a douche-bag the blog owner is.

2. Babble on for years. - Because that is really what people want to read; pages and pages of boring, useless and meaningless crap. If you are going to write something, do the world a favor and have a point. If you insist on babbling on, at least make it interesting for the reader.

3. Moan. - Everyone loves a good old moan. A blog is the perfect place to moan at people who honestly couldn't give two drunken dwarfs about your problems. If you are going to moan, make sure you put a warning at the top of the page. This will decrease the reader suicide rate.

4. Use it 2 tlk like u r tlkin on a mob phne. - Make people's eyes glaze over with boredom trying to work out what the hell you're trying say. Mke sure u dnt mke it ezy. dnt giv the rdr a rson 2 stay.

5. Review products. - Preferably products no one has heard about and no one gives two turds about. Obscure Chinese works well:
Hello, today I'm going to review the: Fujujhakamoto MP3 player.

Enjoy your spark of motivation. :)

Sunday 12 September 2010

Xfactor today, mouthing contest tomorrow.

It makes me proud to be British. First of all you get the good weather. Lovely sunshine all year round. Next you have the pollution, the overcrowded aspect and the fact that everyone is going around stabbing each other. Then you have a show like Xfactor which truly demonstrates what Britain is all about. Get fat, "dance around singing all day" like an ADHD kid on crack, then go on Xfactor and spread your arrogant gob diarrhea all over the judges and the audience.

OH. Before you do that, you need to work out a name for your singing group/band.

What I find creative, is to take your name and glue it on the front of your friend's name. It shows how much brain power you have inherited and how much ingenuity you've established since you were a blob of flesh in your mother's womb.

When you've got all that sorted, and you've worked out a song that you haven't worked out because you don't know the words, you are all set to have the cockiness ripped out of you by Simon Cowell.

Walk on stage, mouth off like a little cow, get laughed at by everyone, insult the judges, sing like a donkey with a hot cast iron pole shoved up its rectum, and then as a nice finishing touch, punch your childhood friend in the face.

Well, it made me laugh anyway!!